you and idon't and won'tand can'tand so one knowsyes, it was meant to be...meant to bethis way
if it was meant to beany other wayit would have beenor will bewhat isis howit was meant to be
you and idon't and won'tand can'tand so one knowsyes, it was meant to be...meant to bethis way
if it was meant to beany other wayit would have beenor will bewhat isis howit was meant to be
you askwhy it is i come back?what i would love to knowwhen it was i ever leftor can i even?did you?'can you?'oh! my darlingthe earth it needs rain...
The Kiss by Rodin is on display at the Musée Rodin in Paris. There are also two replicas. One is on display at the Tate Gallery in London and the other at the NY Carlsberg Glyptotek in Copenhagen.
The accidental flick of the hand against the quivering stomachyes,almost missable...the rush of emotion that engulfsthe constant sharp desireto have your head where your hand just brushed pastlove is not so much in the realm of the obviousbut in the strength of the knowingin the awarenessin the urge to give and receive,oh! so strong...a chaotic yet soothingthe sense of homecoming.....